Today we (Promethean Theatre Ensemble, that is) had our first run through of Tiger At The Gates.  It’s pretty early in the process to try and stitch a show together, but damned useful.  Putting a show together can be a dicey prospect, the show is almost always rehearsed a bit out of sequence so that first run is kind of like editing a film (I imagine, having never had to edit a damned thing) but with the actors still flailing about.  Sometimes you’ve just plain worked the scenes and moments in such a way that the assembly doesn’t actually come together cleanly and you’ve got to tweak and iron and rework, and that can be an incredibly demoralizing experience for everyone involved.

Today?  No such problems.  One slightly janky thing towards the end, that was partially my fault and I knew straightaway what I need to do to fix it.  Not only that, but we were all substantially off book with a few days left before we’re to reach that point, which is really encouraging.  Best of all though, given all that and given that it was really a first attempt to see how everything flowed together, it was really good.  I mean, we’ve got a hell of a show on our hands.  There’s really nothing more encouraging possible.