On Research

On Research

I’ve only played a few historical figures in my time, and none that required any research beyond a cursory read of their Wikipedia page, presuming they warranted that high degree of historical...



As anyone who’s ever worked with me knows, and is no doubt tired of hearing about, I’ve been acting for a long-ass time.  For all my grizzled old vet act, I don’t tend to think about it all that...

This awfulness

This awfulness

I grew up on the stages of Chicago.  I started working in Chicago theatre in 1988, back in the days before we were “Storefront” when we were all “Off-Loop” (a phrase I never really understood since...

Breaking (A Post About Laughter)

Breaking (A Post About Laughter)

One of the worst things that can happen to an actor on stage is breaking, dropping character in view of the audience.  This almost always happens because of something funny and expected, when an...

When a plan comes together

When a plan comes together

Today we (Promethean Theatre Ensemble, that is) had our first run through of Tiger At The Gates.  It's pretty early in the process to try and stitch a show together, but damned useful.  Putting a...

Rehearsal prep/sentimentalism

Rehearsal prep/sentimentalism

This is my binder.  There are many like it, but this one is mine.  I have had this binder for a very, very long time now.  It's my rehearsal binder and also my reading binder for when I do Fighting...

Remembering Bernie

Remembering Bernie

This isn’t the way I’d planned on starting my blog, but you’ve got to start somewhere and I suppose this is a good a place as any.  If you’re reading this, odds are pretty good that you heard about...